Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Mile-038-New York to Boston

On this edition of A Mile with Me we run from New York to Boston in less than an hour and a half! Yes join me as I run between the two towns in Lincolnshire, England.

We tell the story of the Prime Meridan as I straddle the Western and Eastern Hemispheres and we talk about Longitude.

There's an embarrasing toilet moment and a visit to a Fish and Chip shop.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,

    I just caught the latest AMWM episode - New York to Boston, (my first time listening to your show). I gave it a go on my run this morning and thought it was great. A mix of travelogue and history which is right up my alley. I got right into the 'Longitude' story a few years back when the film version of the book came out - fascinating stuff. Have you read Umberto Eco's 'The Island of the Day Before'? The story, while fictional, goes into some of the earlier failed attempts to determine longitude with various timepieces.

    Lincolnshire sounds like a very beautiful part of the world (although from looking at your blog this morning you're from further south aren't you?). Anyway, thanks for a great podcast. I've added it to my automatic download list where it joins some great company among other podcasters in the Run Net Community. I'll no doubt have the opportunity to catch up on the back episodes as I train for my first marathon over the winter here.



    JayDub on
    @Jimbo_W on Twitter
